Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant by Tony Cliff

In this graphic novel, Delilah, a lonely adventurer pulls tea connoisseur, Selim into a madcap adventure and convinces him to continue adventuring despite his dislike for bruises, her flying boat, and lack of good tea ingredients.

This is a charming story of burgeoning friendship. The art is pretty with the most beautiful landscape pages. I loved that Delilah was the un-repentant adventurer and her male companion, the homebody.

For those of you thinking this might be a good read for your kids, it might! I just caution you to flip through Chapter 1 as there is some stabby blood.

This book has been on my goodreads shelf since 2016! Talk about bottom of the TBR stack! - Ford


The Hookup Plan by Farrah Rochon


My Lady’s Choosing: An Interactive Romance Novel by Kitty Curran & Larissa Zageris